Tuesday, 31 January 2017

January Roundup & Look Forward

Film of the month: T2, just. Closely followed by both La La Land (an upbeat film for an already depressing year) & Manchester By The Sea (the opposite).

Worst film: Assassin's Creed, without any competition.

Seen, but not reviewed:

Live By Night: Ben Affleck, gangsters, Bahhhhstan. You've likely seen this sort of thing before, it thinks it's more than it is, and shows occasional flashes of what could have been ("You're not a bad person, but little by little all the bad things you do add up until you're not you anymore") but ultimately comes to nothing. Repent, Ben Affleck.

Moonlight: An engaging look at the life of a young Black man in Florida told in three parts - 'Little', 'Chiron' & 'Black' and how the pressures of masculinity,  conflicts of sexuality and presence of drugs impacted his development along the way. Other people knowing you're queer long before you do is universal, it seems.

February Hype Train: A lot coming out next month. A Cure For Wellness, Fences, Gold, Hidden Figures, Loving, Rings & The Founder are what immediately stand out for me from Cineworld's 'Coming Soon' list.

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